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Service Description: This map depicts the time series of state-maintained roads debris removal, by LADOTD, using a time-enabled map layer.
The Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LADOTD) has the responsibility for debris removal along state-maintained roads, after hurricanes and other natural disasters. This map document depicts the current status of debris removal.
Debris removal is performed in three passes. The first, shortly after the storm, removes debris that pose a safety hazard or impede traffic flow. The second pass picks up debris that are collected along the road and placed at its margin. The third pass picks up the final collection of debris; commonly referred to as “white-waste,” comprised of building contents, structural, construction, and other materials.
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Copyright Text:
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -10135137.0058896
YMin: 3322364.61863631
XMax: -9947303.70901043
YMax: 3599037.98836369
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -10497542.919273
YMin: 3349223.07563326
XMax: -9902293.24262726
YMax: 3937411.82361608
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Time Info:
Time Extent: [2012/09/15 22:00:00 UTC, 2012/11/14 22:00:00 UTC]
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
Respects Daylight Saving: False
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
- Title: LADOTD Time Series of State Roads Debris Removal
- Author: James E. Mitchell, Ph. D., DOTD IT GiS Manager
- Comments: The Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LADOTD) has the responsibility for debris removal along state-maintained roads, after hurricanes and other natural disasters. This map document depicts the current status of debris removal.
Debris removal is performed in three passes. The first, shortly after the storm, removes debris that pose a safety hazard or impede traffic flow. The second pass picks up debris that are collected along the road and placed at its margin. The third pass picks up the final collection of debris; commonly referred to as “white-waste,” comprised of building contents, structural, construction, and other materials.
- Subject: This map depicts the time series of state-maintained roads debris removal, by LADOTD, using a time-enabled map layer.
- Category:
- Keywords: time series,debris,Louisiana,LADOTD,state-maintained roads,emergency response,highways
- Credits: The data on this map were collected by DOTD employees and contractors and provided the DOTD IT staff for processing and mapping.
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