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Description: This Data Frame depicts the 2014 Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP) routes of the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LADOTD).
LADOTD assists motorists and improved traffic flow through its Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP), a contracted service. MAP provides free services to stranded motorists in Baton Rouge (I-10, I-12 and I-110), New Orleans (I-10 and I-610), Lake Charles (I-10 and I-210), and Shreveport-Bossier City (I-20, I-49, I-220, and LA 3132). MAP both reduces traffic congestion caused by stalled vehicles and provides safety and comfort to stranded motorists. On average, 600 motorists are assisted, each week. Since its inception, LADOTD has helped thousands of Louisiana Interstate travelers, over the past few years.
Copyright Text: The Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development, GIS/Mapping Unit created and maintains the data/information on behalf of the LADOTD Motorist Assistance Patrol Program.
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -10570440.1249881
YMin: 3472483.01293
XMax: -9892540.7063119
YMax: 3854212.78267
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -10914116.7809027
YMin: 3103789.78081026
XMax: -9548864.05039727
YMax: 4222979.51918974
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
- Title: LADOTD Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP) Routes
- Author: Chris Cannaday, IT Geographic Support Analyst, GIS/Mapping Unit, Data Collection and Management Systems Section; Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
- Comments: The LADOTD assists motorists and improves traffic flow through its Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP), a contracted service. MAP provides free services to stranded motorists in Baton Rouge (I-10, I-12 and I-110), New Orleans (I-10 and I-610), Lake Charles (I-10 and I-210), and Shreveport-Bossier City (I-20, I-49, I-220, and LA 3132). MAP both reduces traffic congestion caused by stalled vehicles and provides safety and comfort to those stranded in the patrol areas. MAP assists an average of 600 motorists each week and has helped thousands of Louisiana Interstate travelers since its inception.
Studies by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimate an average of four minutes of traffic delay is created by every stalled vehicle that blocks a lane. By providing a gallon of gas, fixing a flat tire, filling a radiator, or charging a dead battery; the primary goal of the MAP program is to restore the Interstate to peak traffic capacity.
MAP provides a valuable service to the motoring public and has been a highly effective program since its inception. The program epitomizes the true meaning of customer service to motorists driving on Louisiana's vital Interstate network.
MAP patrollers are private contractors, who must be qualified first responders, quick thinkers and customer-oriented. In addition to assisting with vehicle problems, these contracted employees are often the first to arrive at the scene of an accident and must calm motorists in times of high stress. Patrollers are also responsible for coordinating radio dispatch of Emergency Medical Services, tow trucks, law enforcement, and other service providers.
- Subject: This map depicts the routes included in the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development, 2014 Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP) program.
- Category:
- Keywords: Louisiana, transportation, LADOTD, Motorist Assistance Patrol, traffic safety, Interstate
- Credits: The Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development, GIS/Mapping Unit created and maintains the data/information on behalf of the LADOTD Motorist Assistance Patrol Program.
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