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Service Description: Louisiana designated National Highway System (NHS) Routes.
Map Name: Layers
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Description: This Data Frame depicts the National Highway System (NHS) for Louisiana. The NHS consists of roadways important to the national economy, defense, and mobility. The NHS includes subsystems of roadways (note that a specific highway route may be on more than one subsystem).
Copyright Text: Composed by Chad E. Parker, P. E., LADOTD Data created by the LADOTD Data Collection and Manaement Systems Section. Map Services created by J. E. Mitchell, Ph. D., Geospatial Services Manager, Louisiana Office of Technoloy Services.
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -10734276.1765726
YMin: 3346501.54014119
XMax: -9667193.75132655
YMax: 3941247.78075881
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Full Extent:
XMin: -10910933.7567482
YMin: 3048825.03721824
XMax: -9441170.40055477
YMax: 4202410.67772285
Spatial Reference: 102100 (3857)
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
- Title: Louisiana National Highway System (NHS)
- Author: Chad R. Parker, P. E., LADOTD Data Collection and Manaement Systems Section
- Comments: This Map Document depits the National Highway System (NHS). The NHS consists of roadways important to the national economy, defense, and mobility. The NHS includes the following subsystems of roadways (note that a specific highway route may be on more than one subsystem):
•Interstate : The Eisenhower Interstate
System of highways retains its separate
identity within the NHS.
•Other Principal Arterials: These are highways
in rural and urban areas which provide access
between an arterial and a major port, airport,
public transportation facility, or other
intermodal transportation facility.
•Strategic Highway Network(STRAHNET): This
is a network of highways which are important
to the United States' strategic defense policy
and which provide defense access, continuity
and emergency capabilities for defense
•Major Strategic Highway Network Connectors:
These are highways which provide access
between major military installations and
highways which are part of the Strategic
Highway Network.
•Intermodal Connectors: These highways
provide access between major intermodal
facilities and the other four subsystems
making up the NHS.
- Subject: Roads participating in the National Highway System (NHS), in Louisiana.
- Category:
- Keywords: NHS, FHWA, LADOTD, National Highway System, Louisiana
- Credits: Data created by the LADOTD Data Collection and Manaement Systems Section. Map Services created by J. E. Mitchell, Ph. D., Geospatial Services Manager, Louisiana Office of Technoloy Services.
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